You’re in a financial fix. You’re considering taking for a loan in Kenya to consolidate your debt. You want to buy a new home or car. Whatever your reason for wanting a personal loan and before you decide your best option, understand that a loan, regardless of the type, involves borrowing money and having to pay it back with interest. You must consider banks which offer the cheapest and expensive rates for a loan. If you’re looking to get a personal loan in Kenya, please think twice before approaching the banks below.
Here are the most expensive banks to borrow personal loans in Kenya according to the Central Bank of Kenya
1. Sidian Bank
2. Consolidated Bank
3. Credit Bank
4. Middle East Bank Kenya ( MEB )
5. UBA Bank
6. Guaranty Trust Bank ( GT )
7. Standard Chartered Bank
8. CFC Stanbic Bank
9. CBA Bank
10. Equity Bank