List of 10 Best Universities in South Africa For Law

Law touches almost all the aspects of social, economic and political world.Over the past few decades perception towards law has changed considerably and more students are now seeking law as a career option. South Africa has some of the world’s best law universities.It is very vital to choose a recognized law university if one is planning to pursue law as a career. Today, we’ve listed some of the best universities in South Africa for law.

Here is a List of Best Universities in South Africa For Law.

1. University of the Witwatersrand

2. University of Cape Town

3. Stellenbosch University

4. University of South Africa

5. University of Pretoria

6. University of Western Cape

7. University of KwaZulu Natal – Westville campus

8. University of the Free State

9. University of Johannesburg

10. Rhodes University

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