Top Civil Engineering Companies to Work for in Kenya

Civil engineers are the professionals tasked with interpreting blueprints and turning these designs into actual structures like houses, buildings, roadways, and bridges. Civil engineers are also required to be knowledgeable in all the aspects of construction so as to be able to come up with viable troubleshooting steps should technical or design issues arise at any point in the construction project. Because of these crucial responsibilities, civil engineers are practically a fixture on construction sites, as it is their job to ensure compliance with the blueprints.

Based on conversations with  some of experienced people throughout the industry, we would like to highlight the following firms as some of best civil engineering firms to work for in Kenya. If you have comments or questions, we encourage you to leave them at the bottom of this post.

1. H Young

2. A Jiwa Shamji

3. Danasons Construction Co. Ltd

4. Associated Construction Co (K) Ltd

5. Dhanjal Brothers Ltd

6. Memo Diesel Plant & Civil Engineering

7. Kay Construction Co. Ltd

8. Lirona General Contractors Ltd

9. Ericom & Eli Business Ltd

10. Stanam Consulting Engineering Ltd

11. Victory Construction Co Ltd

12. Pioneer Engineering And Construction Co. Ltd

13. Kitho Civil & Engineering Co Ltd

14. Max & Partners Ltd

15. Orbit Enterprises Ltd

16. Raflo Services Ltd

17. Dhanjal Brothers Ltd

18. Hayer Bishan Singh & Sons Ltd

 19. S S Mehta & Sons Ltd
20. Stanam Consulting Engineering Ltd
21. Edcom Ltd
22. Broadband Engineering & Communications Ltd
23. Crescent Construction Co Ltd
24. Benma Technical Services Ltd
25. Duocop Company Ltd

26.  Kato Consult & Associates Ltd

27. Memo Diesel Plant & Civil Engineering
28.  PQuaint Holdings Ltd
29.  Mbuga Engineering & Construction
30.  Ngasi Consulting Engineers
31.  Centurion Systems Ltd
32. Norken International Limited
33. Sark Kenya Ltd
34. Oxalis Kenya Consultancy Ltd
35. Norken International Limited
36. Uniconsult Engineering Consultants
37. Howard Humphreys Limited
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