Functions Of The Kenya Dairy Board

This article highlights the functions of The Kenya Dairy Board. Kenya Dairy Board is a state corporation under the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Co-operatives. It was established by the Government of Kenya under the Dairy Industry Act (Cap 336) to oversee the development and regulation of the dairy industry in Kenya.

As a regulatory body, the board takes seriously its responsibility to protect the health and safety of consumers of milk and milk products. The board enforces strict quality standards, conducts regular inspections of dairy processing plants, and takes appropriate action against non-compliant industry players.

To ensure compliance with the Dairy Industry Act and other relevant regulations, the KDB works closely with other government agencies such as the Kenya Bureau of Standards, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries, and the National Environment Management Authority. The board also collaborates with industry stakeholders, including dairy farmers, milk processors, and other players in the dairy value chain, to promote sustainable and profitable growth of the industry.

Functions of The Kenya Dairy Board

The Kenya Dairy Board performs the following functions as mandated by the Government of Kenya under the Dairy Industry Act (Cap 336).

  1. Organizes, regulates, and develops the efficient production, marketing, distribution, and supply of dairy produce, having regard to the various types of dairy produce required by different classes of consumers.
  2. Provides extension services to dairy farmers with the aim of improving the quality of dairy products.
  3. Secures reasonable and stable prices for producers of dairy products.
  4. Promotes collection and analysis of industry data and market research in relation to dairy products.
  5. Permits the greatest possible degree of private enterprise in the production, processing, and sale of dairy produce, consistent with the efficiency of the producer and the interests of other producers and consumers
  6. Ensures either by itself or in association with any government department or local authority, the adoption of measures and practices designed to promote greater efficiency in the dairy industry.

The Kenya Dairy Board plays a critical role in regulating and promoting the growth of the dairy industry in Kenya. Through its mandate of ensuring compliance with quality and safety standards, the board contributes to the improvement of the livelihoods of dairy farmers, the availability of safe and nutritious milk and milk products, and the overall economic development of the country.

The Kenya Dairy Board Contacts

Head Office: Social Security House (NSSF Building), Block A, Eastern Wing, 10th Floor, Nairobi

Call: 0722573432, 0733521438


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