This is a simple guide on how to repay Eazzy Loan from Equity bank via Mpesa. As highlighted before, you are given up to 30 days repayment period for an Eazzy loan.
This instant loan comes with an interest rate of between 2% and 10% depending on your credit history and banking profile. You are eligible for an Eazzy Loan if you’ve had an active Equity Bank account or active Equitel line for a minimum period of 6 months. The loan which ranges between Ksh 100 and Ksh 200,000 can be repaid conveniently through your mobile phone using Mpesa.
Let’s have a look at how one can repay Eazzy Loan via Mpesa using the steps below.
1. Go to your Mpesa Menu
2. Select Lipa na Mpesa
3. Select PayBill
4. Enter 247263 as the business number
5. Enter your Equity Bank Account Number that received the loan
6. Enter the amount you want to repay
7. Enter your Mpesa pin and press OK
8. You will receive a transaction confirmation message from Mpesa.
9. Then go to your Eazzy Banking App loans section.
10. Click make payment and enter the amount you would like to pay.
If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to call Equity Bank using the avenues below.
Phone: 0763063000/ 0763026000