This is a guide on how to register for TSC AON Minet medical scheme in Kenya. AON Minet Kenya was awarded the contract for the provision of medical cover for all teachers and their dependants by The Teachers Service Commission on 1st November 2019.
Eligibility to Register For TSC AON Minet Medical Scheme
One must meet the requirements below in order to register for the TSC AON Minet medical scheme.
1. Must be a teacher in active service aged 18 years up to 65 years.
2. One legal spouse of the teacher
3. Four dependent children (biological/legally adopted) are eligible for cover from birth until the age of eighteen years or to the age of twenty-five years if they are residing with their parents and enrolled in a recognized post-secondary institution.
NB: There is no maximum age limit to child dependants with disability.
How To Register For TSC AON Minet Medical Scheme
Ensure you have the details below.
- Principal Member – TSC Number & ID Number.
- Spouse – ID Number / Marriage Certificate/ Kadhi’s Certificate Affidavit from the Magistrate or Commisioner of Oaths.
- Children – 6 months & below: Birth notification and/or legal adoption papers
– 7 months -18 yrs: Birth Certificate and/or legal adoption paper
– 19 yrs-25 yrs: Proof of schooling such as a School ID or Principal’s letter from a recognised post secondary institution
– Disability card (dependants with a disability).
1.Dial *865# on your phone ( Safaricom and Airtel)
2. You will be welcomed with the message “Welcome TSC Medical Scheme”.
3. Enter your ID Number and TSC Number
4. The details will be verified against the TSC database
5. If successful, you will be asked to select your role i.e principal, deputy principal, or teacher.
6. Select your gender
7. You will be asked to confirm the details that you’ve entered. If they are correct, select 1 for yes.
8. If successful, you will get this message ” Your registration is successful. Thank you for using TSC Medical Scheme”. You will then be asked to register for dependants or logout.
TSC AON Minet Medical Scheme Benefits
1. Inpatient Benefits
This is treatment which requires admission in a hospital or day care surgery/procedure. The benefits include:
• Bed entitlement.
• Doctor’s Fees (Physician, Surgeon & Anesthetist fee).
• ICU/HDU/Critical care and theatre Charges.
• Drugs/Medicines, dressings and internal surgical appliance.
• Pathology/Laboratory.
• X-ray, ultrasound, ECG, Computerized Tomography Scans (CT Scans) and MRI Scans.
• Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy.
• In-Patient Physiotherapy & Hydrotherapy.
• Occupational therapy.
• Hospital accommodation for accompanying parent and /or guardian for hospitalised children below seven (7) years.
• Medical Emergency Road evacuation services leading to admission.
• Congenital defects/genetic disorders.
• Post- Hospitalisation benefit of up to two (2) weeks for other sicknesses and six (6) weeks for accident cases after discharge.
• Day care Surgery for minor surgical treatment that may not require admission.
• In-vitro Fertilisation (IVF).
• Renal dialysis.
• Cancer Treatment and related procedures and tests.
• Medical education.
• Chronic Disease Management.
2. Outpatient Benefits
This is treatment that does not require admission or daycare surgery in a hospital. The outpatient cover caters for all routine outpatient services which include:
• Routine outpatient consultations.
• Prescribed Diagnostic Laboratory and Radiology services (X- ray, ultra sound, MRI and CT Scans).
• Prescribed physiotherapy.
• Prescribed drugs and dressing.
• Referral Outpatient to specialists.
• HIV/AIDS related conditions and prescribed ARV’s to the full cover limit per family per annum.
• Routine Immunizations: KEPI Vaccinations, Baby Friendly Vaccines.
• Newly diagnosed chronic conditions.
• Pre-existing chronic conditions (including cancer).
• Pap smear for ladies and PSA for men- (for principal members only).
• Medical Emergency Road ambulance evacuation services.
• Rehabilitation services as per limits.
• Preventive care: free Medical camps, Mobile Clinics for events, counselling on
lifestyle and wellness.
• Prescribed preventive and curative drugs/care (Including pressure stockings and clinical corset belt)
3. Maternity Benefits
It is only available to principal members and or their spouses only.
• Routine antenatal check-up.
• Delivery/ Doctors Fees.
• Postnatal care up to six (6) weeks post-delivery.
• Routine Immunisations (KEPI) and Baby Friendly Vaccines.
• 1st emergency caesarean section, subsequent elective CS and normal delivery.
• Pre-maturity/Pre-term upto 37 weeks.
• Congenital conditions.
4. Dental Benefits
• Dental Consultation and Anaesthetist’s fees.
• Dental X-rays and Root canal treatment.
• Tooth Extraction.
• Deformation surgery.
• Scaling necessitated by a prevailing medical condition and prescribed by a dentist.
• Dentures necessitated by an accident/ injury.
5. Optical Benefits
• Cost of frames – members who have obtained frames will not be entitled to a
replacement within one year.
• Cost of lenses – Not entitled to a replacement within one year unless necessitated by a medical condition or change in prescription by an ophthalmologist.
• Prescription for ophthalmic treatment and eye lenses.
• Ophthalmic ultrasound if prescribed by the Ophthalmologist.
6. Medical Emergency Road and Air Evacuation Benefits
This benefit is for emergency transportation and transfer of sick or injured members or dependants from a place of incident or facility with inadequate care to the appropriate facility using road ambulance, fix-wing or helicopter services within East Africa (Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Tanzania). Air evacuation will be limited to two (2) per family per annum within the policy period.
7. International Travel and Referral Allocations benefit
This benefit will be paid out where authorization has been granted for the member to travel to another country for specialized treatment which is either not available locally or is reasonably cheaper and better quality than is locally, air ticket for patient and aide and their accommodation. A medical referral report is required to facilitate overseas treatment.
8. Psychiatric and Counselling Services Benefits
This benefit provides Psycho-social support programs for employees for conditions such as chemical dependency, stress, post-traumatic counselling, relationship difficulties, anxiety and depression, parenting, legal or financial distress etc.
• Psychiatric and tele-counselling through the Minet toll free line 0800720029 available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
• Onsite counselling services in some special instances.
• Referrals to face to face counselling by a specialist in some special instances.
If you have any other question, feel free to contact Minet Kenya through the contacts below.
9. Group Life Benefit
This benefit is payable to the next of kin upon the demise of a principal member. To access the group life benefit, the following information should be availed to Minet at the earliest possible convenience:
• The death certificate- original or a certified copy.
• The burial permit- original or a certified copy.
• Surrender of ID form (original or a certified copy) / ID copy of the deceased.
• A copy of the Next of Kin’s ID.
• A copy of the ATM card or bank statement of the claimant (Next of Kin) indicating the account number, the account name, the bank and the branch where the account was opened.
10. Last Expense Benefit
This benefit is payable to the next of kin upon the demise of a principal member mainly to cater for funeral expenses. It is payable within 48 hours subject to confirmation of the Next of Kin and upon provision of the
following documents:
• The full name of the deceased.
• The TSC Number.
• The Burial Permit indicating date of death.
• The next of kin details (Name, Relationship to Deceased, Phone Number).
• A copy of the ATM card or bank statement (of Next of Kin) indicating the account number, the account name, the bank and the branch where the account was opened.
• Chief’s letter in case the deceased had not declared their next of kin
TSC AON Minet Medical Scheme Benefits Structure
Minet Kenya Contacts
Office: Minet House, Nyerere Road Off Processional Way
Phone: 0730 604 000
Hotline: 1528