List of Best Health Insurance Companies in Kenya

Let’s be honest, everybody is concerned about their health care in the Kenya of today.  It can be very expensive, this is one truth that cannot be refuted. With the importance of health, insurance comes to mind as a necessity that any normal person can’t live without having it.  Today, we’ve made a list of top health Insurance Companies in Kenya  to help you make the right decision.

Here is a list of best health insurance companies in Kenya which offer coverage all over the country.

1.  Jubilee Insurance

2. Madison Insurance

3. UAP Insurance

4. APA Insurance

5. Britam

6.  Pan Africa Life

7.  AAR Insurance Kenya

8. Apollo Life Assurance

9. AIG insurance

10. Kenindia Assurance Company

11.  Resolution Insurance

12. Heritage Insurance

13. Pacis Insurance Company

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