This is a list of best public primary schools in Lamu County. Lamu is one of the counties that registered the lowest number of candidates in the 2019 KCPE. The county managed to produce the second-best candidate in the Coast region, in the 2019 KCPE. The candidate from Stonetown Academy managed to scoop 429 marks.
Here is a list of the best public primary schools in Lamu County.
1.Hongwe Primary School
Location: Hongwe, Lamu West
2. Lake Kenyatta Primary School
Location: Mpeketoni
3. Manda Primary School
Location: Shella Manda, Lamu West
4. Lamu Boys Primary School
Location: Langoni
5. Faza Boys Primary School
Location: Faza, Lamu East Constituency
6. Hindi Primary School
Location: Hindi Magogoni, Lamu West Constituency
7. Kiunga Primary School
Location: Kiunga Town
8. Kipungani Primary School
Location: Matondoni, Lamu West Constituency
9. Kizingitini Primary School
Location: Kizingitini, Lamu East Constituency
10. Lake Amu Primary School
Location: Baharini
11. Mkomani Primary School
Location: Langoni
12. Vipingoni Primary School
Location: Witu Town
13. Ziwani Primary School
Location: Mpeketoni
14. Witu Primary School
Location: Witu Town, Lamu West Constituency
15. Tewa Primary School
Location: Mpeketoni
16. Sikomani Primary School
Location: Mpeketoni Town
17. Rasini Girls Primary School
Location: Faza, Lamu East Constituency
18. Mkokoni Primary School
Location: Kiunga
19. Mini Valley Primary School
Location: Mpeketoni Town
20. Muhamarani Primary School
Location: Mkunumbi, Lamu West Constituency
Check Out: Best Private Primary Schools In Lamu County