List Of Best Public Primary Schools In Taita Taveta County

This is a list of best public primary schools in Taita Taveta County. The county’s best candidate in the 2019 KCPE was Wanjiru Angela Wambui from Mwanyambo Primary School who managed to score 429 marks. Several other schools in the county also managed to produce a good number of candidates with 400 and above marks.

In no particular order, here is a list of the best public primary schools in Taita Taveta County.

1. Mwanyambo Primary School

Location: Voi Town

2. Mwavunyu Primary School

Location: Mwatate

3. Abori Primary School

Location: Kimorigo, Taveta Constituency

4. Chala Primary School

Location: Taveta Town

5. St Joseph Kivukoni Primary School

Location: Chala, Taveta Constituency

6. Mwatate Primary School

Location: Mwatate Town

7. Mwanyalo Primary School

Location: Wundanyi

8. Sagalla Primary School

Location: Voi

9. Mwandala Primary School

Location: Mwatate Town

10. Mwangea Primary School

Location: Wundanyi

11. St Patrick Kimala Primary School

Location: Jipe, Taveta Constituency

12. Taveta Primary School

Location: Taveta Town

13. Werugha Primary School

Location: Wundanyi Town

14. Voi Primary School

Location: Voi Town

15. St Annes Elimu Centre Primary School

Location: Wundanyi

16. Timbila Primary School

Location: Bomani, Taveta Constituency

17. Ghazi Primary School

Location: Tausa, Near Voi Town

18. Figinyi Primary School

Location; Wundanyi Town

19. Eldoro Primary School

Location: Kimorigo, Taveta Constituency

20. Kirindinyi Primary School

Location: Mbololo, Voi Constituency

Check Out: Best Private Primary Schools In Taita Taveta County

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