This is a list of all Guaranty Trust (GT) Bank branches in Kenya. This is one of the 38 commercial banks in Kenya which was licensed to operate in the country on 13th January 1995. It’s a subsidiary of Nigerian Guaranty Trust Bank. GT Bank’s head office in Kenya is located along Woodvale Close in Westlands, Nairobi. The bank specialises in personal banking, business banking and E-business.
GT Bank has 9 branches across Kenya. Below, we have listed the branches with their respective contacts.
List Of GT Bank Kenya Branches and Contacts
1. GT Bank Kenya Head Office – Sky Park Branch
Phone : +254 703 084 000
Location: Plot 1870 Woodvale Close, Westlands, Nairobi
2. Karen Branch
Phone: +254 703 084 400
Location: Africa Reit House, Africa Reit Lane, Next to The Hub Mall, Karen. Nairobi Kenya
3.Kimathi Street Branch
Phone:+254 703 084 455
Location: Plot 24, Kimathi Street
4. Industrial Area Branch
Phone: +254 703 084 490
Location: Bamburi Road off Enterprise Road.
5. Westlands Branch