In this article, we’ll list Jirani Smart branches in Kenya. Jirani Smart Microfinance is one of Kenya’s microfinance service institutions in Kenya.
Jirani Smart provides a specific range of financial services including microloans, group lending, individual lending, savings accounts, financial literacy training, and other related services.
The main aim is to empower individuals and small entrepreneurs by providing them with financial resources to start or expand their businesses, improve their livelihoods, and contribute to economic growth. They typically serve low-income individuals, youth, women, and underserved communities.
Jirani Smart Products
Jirani Smart offers several products to its customers. Below is the list.
- Merry-Go-Round Loans– This loan package is suited for registered Jirani Bora members in groups. Each member is required to save weekly under the group lending system to access the loan.
- Jirani Mauzo Pap– Allows customers to get access to small essential products to cater to their daily needs
- Super Borasha Loan– Enable customers to acquire basic home appliances and electronics
- Boresha Maisha Loan– Same as Super Boresha Loan but here customers get access to bigger appliances such as TVs
- Uwezo ABF Loan– Uwezo caters to customers seeking help building their homes. You get access to building materials such as cement and roofing sheets.
- Jirani Jumbo Loan– Jirani Jumbo will see you acquire a brand-new motorcycle from Jirani Smart and operate it while paying in instalments.
List of all Jirani Smart Microfinance branches in Kenya
Kisii Region Office Branches
- Awasi
- Homabay
- Kisii
- Mbita
- Migori
- Nyamira
Regional Headquarters Location: Jiranismart Kisii, Masongo-Kiama bundu road
Phone Number: 0722-810 781
Kitui Region Office Branches
- Kangundo
- Kanyangi
- Kiatineni
- Kitui
- Kivaa
- Kyuso
- Matuu
- Mutomo
- Mwingi
- Wamunyu
- Zombe
Regional Headquarters Location: Jiranismart Office Kitui, Kibwezi-Kitui highway.
Phone Number: 0722-810 781
Mt. Kenya Region Office Branches
- Chuka
- Embu
- Gatunga
- Ishiara
- Maua
- Meru
Regional Headquarters Location: Meru near Kaithe along Makutano-Nkitwiki Garden road
Phone Number: 0722-810 781
Makueni Region Office Branches
- Bisil
- Emali
- Kambu
- Kibwezi
- Kilungu
- Loitoktok
- Mbooni
- Mbumbuni
- Wote
Regional Headquarters Location: Wote Town, Wote-Watuka Road
Phone Number: 0722-810 781
Kwale Region Office Branches
- Kinango
- Kombani
- Lungalunga
- Msambweni
- Samburu
- Tiribe
Regional Headquarters Location: Kombani near White springs hotel, along kombani-kwale highway.
Phone Number: 0722-810 781
Kilifi Region Office Branches
- Bamba
- Kaloleni
- Kilifi
- Malindi
- Marafa
Regional Headquarters Location: Mnarani opposite plantation stage along Kibokoni Road
Phone Number: 0722-810 781
Taita Taveta Region Office Branches
- Mbale
- Mwatate
- Rukanga
- Taveta
- Werugha
Regional Headquarters Location: Jiranismart Complex Mwatate, Mwatate-Taveta highway.
Phone Number: 0722-810 781
Western Region Office Branches
- Bondo
- Bumala
- Kakamega
- Kapenguria
- Kapsabet
- Moi’s Bridge
- Vihiga
- Webuye
Phone Number: 0722-810 781
South Rift Region Office Branches
- Bomet
- Kehancha
- Keroka
- Kilgoris
- Londiani
- Narok
- Sotik
Phone Number: 0722-810 781