List of Maisha Microfinance Bank Loan Products and Branches

This is a list of loan products offered by Maisha Microfinance Bank and their branches in Kenya. It is one of the 13 licensed microfinance banks in Kenya that has been in operation since 21st May 2016. The bank’s head office and only branch is located on the 2nd floor of Chester House along Koinange Street in Nairobi.

Maisha Microfinance Bank Loan Products

1. Maisha Asset Finance Loan

This product provides ready solutions to businesses with capital requirements to purchase movable assets. One can qualify up to Ksh 3 million payable in 36 months.

2. Maisha Akiba Loan

This product covers short-term liquidity constraints. It is secured by your deposit in a Savings Account or a Fixed Deposit Account. You can qualify up to Ksh 3 million payable in 12 months.

3. Maisha Check-Off Loan

This product is designed for individual staff members of institutions with which Maisha Microfinance has an MOU with i.e government employees, TSC and Civil Servants, for personal development needs. The loan is processed and disbursed within 36 hours. You can qualify up to Ksh 1 million payable in 12 months.

4. Maisha Development Loan

This loan product targets anyone with developments needs involving construction, house completion and renovation. One can qualify up to Ksh 3 million payable in 12 months.

5. Maisha Plot Purchase Loan

It is designed for anyone looking to buy land or plots with ready title deeds. One can qualify up to Ksh 3 million payable in 12 months.

6. Maisha Salary Loan

This loan product is designed for employed people whose salaries are remitted through Maisha Microfinance Bank. One can qualify up to Ksh 150,000 payable in 12 months. The loan is processed and disbursed within 12 hours.

7. Maisha Temporary Overdraft 

It is designed for employed people whose salary is remitted through Maisha Microfinance Bank and would like to access part of it earlier than pay-day. One can qualify up to Ksh 10,000 payable in 1 month. The loan is processed and disbursed within 1 hour.

8. Maisha Biashara Boost Loan

This loan product provides quick access to cash to small and micro business owners to boost working capital or for business expansion. One can qualify up to Ksh 350,000 payable within  12 months. The loan is processed and disbursed within 24 hours.

9. Maisha Bora Loan

This loan product is designed for small and micro businesses that require additional funding but have not accrued sufficient assets to be used as collateral. One can qualify up to Ksh 2,000. The loan is processed within 36 hours.

10. Maisha Business Overdraft

It is targeted at financing fluctuating working assets for businesses.

11. Maisha Daima Loan 

This loan product targes micro-enterprises that have conventional collateral, such as land and motor vehicles, and therefore qualify to use them to secure loan facilities for business expansion.

12. Maisha LPO Financing 

This loan product is designed for contractors and vendors to obtain the capital required to ensure the continuity of operations by meeting immediate working capital needs.

13. Maisha Cheque Discounting

It provides quick cash against your uncleared cheque when you need to sort urgent bills or require quick working capital. One can qualify up 80% of the cheque amount.

14. Maisha IPF  Loan

This loan product is aimed at financing insurance premiums for both General and Life insurance.

List of Maisha Microfinance Bank Branches

Maisha Microfinance Bank Head Office

Location: Chester House, 2nd Floor, Koinange Street

Contact: 020 2220648 , 0792002300 , 0736028982

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