List Of Southern Star Sacco Branches In Kenya

This is a list of Southern Star Sacco branches in Kenya. Southern Star Sacco was transformed from the union banking section of Meru South Cooperative Union Limited.

It was registered as a SACCO on 6th June 1994 by the Ministry of Co-operative Development and Marketing as cs number 7178 with two branches.

The Sacco was licensed by the Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority as a deposit-taking Sacco in 2010. It later changed its name from Meru South Farmers Cooperative Society in the year 2013 to Southern Star on 7th January 2014.

It is one of the largest deposit-taking Saccos in Kenya with an asset base of more than 1.53 billion.

Southern Star Sacco Products

Savings Products

The sacco offers various savings accounts. Any Kenyan adult citizen above 18 years of age and with a national identity card, any organisation registered in Kenya under the laws of Kenya upon presentation of verifiable registered documents can open an account.

Below are the savings accounts and savings products offered.

  • Smart junior account.
  • Matigari savings account.
  • Sacco business account.
  • Super save.
  • Sacco savings account.

Loan Products

The sacco offers various loan products with favourable repayment terms (60 months) and interest rates.

  • Jikwamue.
  • Sacco personal.
  • Business loan.
  • Agricultural loans.
  • Development loans.
  • Group loans.

List Of Southern Star Sacco Branches In Kenya

The sacco has 8 branches across three counties i.e Nairobi, Meru and Tharaka Nithi. Below is a list of all the branches.

1. Head Office

Location: MT Building, Chuka Town, Next to Tharaka Nithi County Offices.

Contact: 0705 825 601.


2. Mwangarimwe Branch

Location: Opposite DO Office (Marima).

3. Chogoria Branch

Location: Chogoria Town, Opposite Chogoria Hospital.

4. Kianjagi Branch

Location: Next to Dos Office, Kianjagi Market.

5. Kiangua Branch

Location: Kiangua Market.

6. Chuka Town Centre Branch

Location: Next to Co-operative Bank.

7. Kibugua Branch

Location: Thuita Farmers Centre.

8. Githurai Branch

Location: Mughat Building, 1st Floor, 10m From Thika Road, Githurai 44 Side Near the Roundabout.

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