Ophthalmologists In Kenya And Their Contacts

Ophthalmology is a branch of medicine that deals with the treatment of eye disorders. Ophthalmologists are medical doctors who are specialized in the surgical and medical care of the eyes. They provide total eye care, including eye exams, vision services, diagnosis and treatment either medically or surgically.

Kenya boasts quite a large number of ophthalmologists spread across major towns to cater for the growing population, most of whom are based in Nairobi. Here is the list.


Dr. Shaffique Mumtaz Hirani

Location: Doctors Park, 3rd Floor, Wing A, Suite A4 Near Aga Khan University Hospital 3rd Parklands Avenue, Nairobi.

Contact: 0731-388668, 0704-345672, 0721-388666, 0734-450136

Email: officehirani@gmail.com

Dr Fayaz Khan

Location: Lions Sightfirst Eye Hospital, Kaptagat Road

Contact: +254 20 422 6000

Dr. Otieno Patricia M.

Location: Kenyatta National Hospital Doctors Plaza, Suite No 34

Contact: 020-2726300, Ext. 44319, 43430

Dr. Ogony P. Jashon Onyango

Location: KCS Building, 5th Floor Mama Ngina Street

Contact: 020-2224226, 0722-828770

Email: eyclinic@yahoo.com

Dr. Ogony Walter Owen

Location: Old Mutual Building, 3rd Floor Room 327 Kimathi Street

Contact: 0705-026558

Email: owenogonyoffice@yahoo.com

Dr. Nyaga Patrick T 

Location: The Nelson Awori Centre, 4th Floor, Suite 6B, Ralph Bunche Road

Contact: 020-2722758, 0703-705775

Email: ptnyaga@yahoo.com

Dr. Nyaga Godfrey

Location: Optimal Health Ltd KMA Centre 2nd Floor, Suite 204 Mara Road, Upper Hill

Contact: 020-2673797, 0705-135745, 0722-800692

Email: godienn@gmail.com godienn@yahoo.co.uk

Dr. Njuguna Margaret W. 

Location: Upperhill Eye Laser Centre Upperhill Medical Centre, 2nd Floor

Contact: 0735-535940

Email: wanjikudr@yahoo.com

Dr. Njoya Wendy

Location: Upper Hill Eye and Laser Centre Ralph Bunche Road

Contact: 0714-617782, 0739-329348 , 0732-069004

Email: drnjoya@uheal.or.ke

Dr. Nderi Gideon. J. 

Location: Kenyatta National Hospital Doctors Plaza, No. 5

Contact: 0722-377778, 0733-743016

Email: gideon_nderi@yahoo.com

Dr. Mwangi Wambui Caroline

Location: Mbagathi District Hospital

Contact: 0722-832615

Dr. Msyoki J. J. 

Location: City Eye Clinic Afya Centre, Mezzanine 3 Tom Mboya Street

Contact: 020-2229056, 0722-746119, 0721-221889

Email: info@cityeye.co.ke joelkatsivo@gmail.com

Dr. Muwale Onyango Oscar

Location: Nairobi Eye Associates G.A Insurance House, 1st Floor Ralph Bunch Road

Contact: 020-2531995, 2343027

Mobile: 0716-158106 , 0724-229174, 0734-229174

Email: muwale@nairobieyeassociates.co.ke onyangomuwale@gmail.com

Dr. Munene Rhoda Mutundu

Location: Fellow Orbit/Oculoplasty Fortis Medical Consultants, Fortis Suites Ngong Road

Contact: 0723-603602, 0723-603602,

Email: drmmunene@gmail.com

Dr. Mundia Daniel Gachuhi

Location: Medimark Health Services, Aga Khan University Hospital Westlands, Waumini House

Contact: 0722-317184, 0703-674288 0722-965558

Email: dangmundia@yahoo.com

Dr. Mukiri Mukuria

Location: IPS Building, Nairobi.

Contact: 020-8078675, 0737298045

Email: mukiri66@yahoo.com

Dr. Mukesh Joshi

Location: Laser Eye Centre, 4th Floor, Sarit Centre

Contact: 0722-526698, 0735-678870

Email: info@lasereyecentre.co.ke

Dr. Muinde, J M

Location: Aviation Medical Clinic The Nelson Awori Centre, 4th Floor, Ralph Bunche Road

Contact: 0705-686184, 0763-786069

Email: aviationmedicine.clik@gmail.com

Dr. Marco Sheila

Location: Aga Khan University Hospital, University of Nairobi, Kenyatta Hospital

Contact: 020-2713403, 0722-270499

Email: sheilamarco@yahoo.co.uk

Dr. Manyara Lucy Miriti

Location: The Family Eye Clinic KMA Centre, Mara Road, Upper Hill

Contact: 020-2105800, 0773-477123, 0722-785274

Email: lucymanyara@gmail.com, or thefamilyeyeclinic@gmail.com

Dr. Shah, Ashok Kumar Kanji

Location: Dinesh Chandaria Medical Centre 1st Floor Room F-132, M.P. Shah Hospital

Contact: 020-4291352, 0726-225653, 0733-225653

Email: sonalias@africaonline.co.ke

Dr. Wachira Wambugu

Location: Nairobi Eye Associates Ltd Queensway House, 4th Floor, Kaunda Street

Contact: 020-2343027, 2161679, 0722-652526, 0729-891903

Email: jwachira@nairobieyeassociates.co.ke

Website: www.nairobieyeassociates.co.ke

Dr. Walia Dharminder Singh

Location: Glaucoma Counselling Centre Eye Clinic Parklands Mediplaza Ground Floor, 3rd Parklands Avenue, Opposite Aga Khan University Hospital

Contact: 0717-783783, 0737-783783

Email: info@seeclinic.co.ke

Dr. Kagondu F N 

Location: Chania Medical & Imaging Centre Njoka & Njoka House

Contact: 0722-815162

Email: fkagondu@yahoo.com

Prof. Masinde Michael Sajabi

Location: Eye Clinic and The Nairobi Hospital Doctors’ Plaza, Ground Floor Room 8, Arwings Kodhek Road, Nairobi

Contact: 020-2846415, 2712148, 0725-041271, 0738-205223

Email: masindeeyeclinic@gmail.com

Dr. Manguyu A Maringa

Location: Professional Eye Care Ltd Barclays Plaza, Ground Floor, Loita Street, Nairobi.

Contact: 020-2246221, 0726-634644, 0722-751144

Email: proeyecarekenya@gmail.com

: info@proeyecare.co.ke

Dr. Konrad Hans Martin Kollmann

Location: University of Nairobi

Contact: 020-2723926

Email: mkollmann@mitsuminet.com

Dr. Kiumbura N Wanjiku

Location: Eagle Eye Laser Centre 5th Avenue Building, Ngong Road

Contact: 020-2713403, 0722-738788

Email: info@eagleeye.co.ke

Dr. Kimani Kahaki

Location: Eagle Eye Laser Centre 5th Avenue Building, 3rd Floor, Ngong Road, Nairobi,

Contact: 020-2713403, 0717-120208

Email: kimani@eagleeye.co.ke

Dr. Kibata Githeko Amos

Location: Upper Hill Eye & Laser Centre Upper Hill Medical Centre, 2nd Floor Ralph Bunch Road, Nairobi.

Contact: 020-2713232, 0714-617782, 0736-329348

Email: office@uheal.or.ke

Website: www.uheal.or.ke

Dr. Millicent Muthoni

Location: University of Nairobi / Eyestop Kenya Upper Hill Medical Centre, 4th Floor, Suite 4E, Ralph Bunche Road, Nairobi

Contact: 020-2430362 0714-370807, 0722-361633

Email: drmillicenteyeclinic1@gmail.com drmillicent@yahoo.co.uk

Dr. Karimurio Jafitha

Location: University of Nairobi

Contact: 0733-819955

Email: jefithakarimurio@yahoo.co.uk

Dr. Kabiru Joy

Location: Upper Hill Medical Centre Ralph Bunche Road, 2nd Floor Eye Unit PCEA Kikuyu Hospital, Nairobi.

Contact: 020-2713232, 0714- 617782 / 0736- 329348

Dr. Ilako Dunera Rahel

Location: Eagle Eye Laser Centre 5th Avenue, 3rd Floor, Ngong Road, Nairobi

Contact: 0722-741632

Email: ilako@eagleeye.co.ke

Dr. Gohil Rajoo

Location: Unga House 2nd Floor Muthithi Road, Westlands, Nairobi.

Contact: 0700-775564

Email: drgohil@gmail.com

Dr. Gichuhi Stephen

Location: Upper Hill Medical Centre Upper Hill Eye & Laser Centre, 2nd Floor Ralph Bunche Road, Nairobi.

Contact: 020-2713232, 0714-617782, 0736-329348

Email: drgichuhi@yahoo.com

Dr. Gichangi Michael M 

Location: Ministry of Health DOS Afya House / Kenyatta National Hospital Grounds, Opp KMTC Ladies Hostels, Opthalmic Services Unit, Nairobi.

Contact: 020-2621841, 0733-343012, 0701-572109

Email: gichangi58@yahoo.com opthalmicserviceke@gmail.com

Dr. Choksey Prabha V. 

Location: Dr. Choksey Albinism Foundation Aga Khan University Hospital, Doctors’ Plaza, 1st Floor, Room 101 3rd Parklands Avenue, Nairobi

Contact: 020-3751453, 3662724, 0733-977144, 0728-921480

Email: prabhachoksey@yahoo.com

Dr. Adala Henry Sexton

Location: Eye Clinic, Utalii House, 1st Floor, North Wing, Uhuru Highway, Nairobi.

Contact: 020-3312847, 0702-090433, 0733-519905, 0717-667040

Email: adala@africaonline.co.ke henryadala@gmail.com

Dr Sarah Fitati

Contact: +254 20 239 3883

Location: Eldoret Road, Nairobi.


Dr. Abunga E S 

Location: Nyakongo Towers 2nd Floor, Kisii.

Contact: 0733-835247, 0721-666392

Dr Daniel Oira Kiage

Contact: +254 58 319 94

Location: Nyanchwa Road, Kisii,

Prof. Kiage Dan O.

Location: Innovation Eye Centre Ltd Nyanchwa Area, Kisii

Contact: 058-31994, 0727-807097

Email: dkiage@innovation.org info@innovationeyecentre.co.ke

Dr. Ogando Zoga

Location: Gusii Medical Centre Opp. Kisii Level 5 Hospital, Hospital Road Lenimek Hospital, Kisii

Contact: 0733-990312, 0716-421944

Email: drogando@ymail.com


Dr. Ocholla J O 

Location: Bon Accord House, Oginga Odinga Road

Contact: 057-2021060

Dr. Njom Victor Miganda


Contacts: +254721492634

Email: vicnjom@gmail.com


Dr. Onsoma Mongare R 

Location: Kericho District Hospital Fig Tree Health Services

Contact: 052-2031117, 0733-760527, 0722-274783

Dr David Ngiligo Ekuwam

Contact: +254 72 594 2154

Location: Hospital Road, Kericho


Dr. Roberts E Hellen

Location: Kwale District – Eye Centre

Contact: 0722-785996, 0733-785996

Email: eyeskwale@africaonline.co.ke


Dr. Inoti Jamlick M 

Location: Maua Methodist Hospital, Meru

Contact: 064-21003, 21107/8, 21325

Mobile: 0721-265411

Email: inotimurithi@yahoo.com


Dr. Komal Shah

Location: Nyali Plaza, Ground Floor, Opposite Nyali Cinemax, Mombasa.

Contact: 0714-292666, 0737-583543

Email: just-eyes@hotmail.com

Dr. Korir Fredrick

Location: Ground Floor, Biashara Building, Nyerere Avenue Lighthouse for Christ Eye Centre, Mombasa.

Contact: 0721-255840

Email: f_kipkoech@hotmail.com

Dr. Matende Ibrahim

Location: Shiloh Excelllent Opthalmic Services Ground Floor, Biashara Building, Nyerere Avenue,Mombasa

: Lighthouse for Christ Eye Centre, Mombasa.

Contact: 0736-382191, 0700-623373 0728-958541, 0722-958541

Email: ibrahim.matende@shilohdoctors.com shiloh.services@gmail.com

Website: www.matende.org

Dr. Mnjalla Neville David

Location: The Aga Khan Hospital Doctores Plaza, Mombasa

Contact: 041-2228067, 0736-567583

Email: drnevillemnjalla@yahoo.com

Dr. Njom M Victor

Location: Mombasa Trade Center, (Ambalal House) 1st Floor South Wing Room 106 Nkrumah Road, Mombasa.

Contact: 041-2318238, 0721-492634, 0733-957557

Email: vicnjom@yahoo.com


Dr. Gitau James Kanyi

Location: Kimkan Health Services, Muranga.

Contact: 0727-158856, 0722-345948 0713-455458

Email: jakagit@yahoo.com


Dr. Limo John Kipkorir

Location: Nakuru Eye Care Centre Gate House, 4th Floor, Room 400 Mburu Gichua Road, Geofrey Kamau Way

Contact: 0722-485110

Email: kipkorir1951@gmail.com

Dr. Maina J K 

Location: Nakuru Medical & Eye Clinic Plakam House, 1st Floor, Room 22 Kenyatta Avenue

Contact: 0722-034163

Email: jkmaina2001@yahoo.com

Dr. Mong’are Onsomu

Location: Gate House 3rd Floor, Room 317 Mburu Gichua Road, Geofrey Kamau Way, Nakuru

Contact: 051-2215381, 0720-791929, 0733-760527

Email: mongare70@yahoo.com


Dr. Heiko Philippin

Location: Friends Church Sabatia Eye Hospital Chavakali – Kapsabet Road, Vihiga.

Contact: 0728-927308

Email: heiko.philippin@gmx.de


Dr. Owino O Claudia

Location: Eldoret Hospital Doctor’s Plaza 1st Floor, Eldoret.

Contact: 053-2062000, 0733-769216, 0721-480707

Email: claudowino@hotmail.com

Dr. Odede Joram Wilfred

Location: Eldoret Hospital Doctors’ Plaza, 1st Floor, Room 202

Contact: 0723-712181, 0733-708341

Email: jorryodede@yahoo.co.uk jorryodede@yahoo.com

Dr. Bett C James

Location: Eldoret Medical Specialist Centre Grand Pri House, Nandi Road, Eldoret.

Contact: 0722-309659, 0700-126800

Email: drbettclinic@gmail.com


Dr Angela Kerubo Mokaya

Location: Embu – Meru High Way, Embu.

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