The following are the qualifications one must meet if interested to be a General Service Officer (GSO) Cadet in Kenya as provided by the ministry of defence.
(1) Be a Kenyan citizen
(2) Be aged between 18 and 26 years
(3) Not be less than 5 ft 3 in. (5’3”) high
(4) Weigh at least:
(a) Men – 54.55 Kg (120 lb)
(b) Women – 50 Kg (110 lb)
(5) Be medically fit
(6) Not have a criminal record
(7) Be in possession of a valid National Identity Card
(8) Must hold a minimum mean grade of B (Plain) in KCSE with at least C+ (Plus) in English, Mathematics and one Science subject.
(9) Female candidates must NOT be pregnant.
The training period for cadets covers three (3) years leading to a BSc degree in Military Science and Security Studies upon completion.
It’s good to note that the Kenya Army, Air Force, and Navy usually subject their candidates to their respective “Special to Services” selection interviews. Also, any graduate candidate who opts to join the Defence Forces as a General Service Officer (GSO) Cadet will lose all the benefits accorded to a Specialist Officer and will have to fulfil all conditions laid down for a GSO.
A detailed CV which should include Height and Weight, Clear photocopies of relevant academic certificates, professional body membership certificate and current National Identity Card (ID) MUST be attached to the application and addressed to the:
Assistant Chief of the Defence Forces (Personnel and Logistics)
Ministry of Defence Defence Headquarters
Ulinzi House
P O Box 40668 – 00100